the elite negotiator™
the unique negotiation training that benefited thousands across 4 continents

The Elite Negotiator


2-days, 9 hours/day packed with real-life information and exercises. The training is rooted in Eugeniu's extensive business and negotiation experience.

interactive and 100% practical

The 2-days session contains 12 bespoke negotiation exercises and simulations, video recorded and debriefed on the spot.

proven cost efficient

Offers immediate return on investment: the participants from all sessions so far endorsed it for outstanding effectiveness. "Eugeniu's “value for money” is outstanding and simply unbeatable versus the international “gurus” on the market today."

endorsed by top business executives

Retired Chairman of the Board, President, and CEO 

The Procter & Gamble Company

This book is comprehensive, practical and rooted in real-world experiences and examples.  I believe anyone for whom negotiation is an important part of his or her work or life (and, frankly, that includes just about everybody) will find this of great value. It is the most comprehensive, experienced-based and engaging presentation of all that is involved in effective, valued-based negotiations that I have ever read. Anyone for whom negotiation is an important part of their work or life will find it of great value.

Retired President, Vice Chairman & Advisor to the Chairman and CEO 

The Procter & Gamble Company

The Elite Negotiator is very insightful and well thought through book! Like any Athlete or Professional, The Elite Negotiator needs to keep improving his/her skill set. This New Edition does just that very effectively.

CEO, Fine Hygienic Holding Middle East
Former CEO, British American Tobacco  Philippines

We contracted with Eugeniu to deliver full 2-day training to our entire BAT Philippines organization on negotiation skills. I must say that Eugeniu more than delivered on our expectations. His “value for money” was outstanding and simply was unbeatable versus the international “gurus” on the market today. In addition, Eugeniu’s context and clear command of the subject matter kept the teams engaged and learning every moment of the 2 days. I would highly recommend Eugeniu for any such negotiation training that you may wish to run for your teams. He is a knowledgeable, passionate and dedicated to his craft and his audience.

CEO, Happy Tour Romania, part of FCM Global

Negotiation is a means not an end. We do negotiate from the beginning of our lives all along: crying for food, as Eugeniu mentions in the book, while shopping for the daily basics (food, car, clothes), we negotiate our salaries, rent, the destination of our next vacation and even at what time our children should go to bed. We spend our lives negotiating. Convincing yourself of why to negotiate leads to discovering how to negotiate correctly.
This book will give you a deep insight in how to do it and, more important, how to do it properly. By going through this easy reading book, you will learn the techniques of an Elite Negotiator, as Eugeniu is. And I can provide a good testimonial to it.

CEO, McDonalds Russia

I devoured this book in one single day. The process of preparation, conducting and concluding negotiation is very well explained and easy to read and understand thanks to the seasoning of the content with a lot of humor and many personal experiences.
The included toolbox is a true help even for experienced negotiators. A must-read for all who want to become Elite Negotiators.

negotiation training

sotiris CHAtzidakis

Executive Vice President, CEO Clubs International

The Elite Negotiator™ is a useful tool for anyone who wants to get insights from a practitioner. Eugeniu has put a lot of work in this book and has managed to summarize his vast experience in a clear and simplified way.
A useful read for the ones who are starting to explore the magic and intense world of negotiations and deal-making.


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